On summer goals

Most summers I make a list of goals that I want to work on during the extra free time I should have that I don’t always have during the school year. Sometimes I accomplish them and sometimes I don’t. Most summers I get at least part-way through the list, not always super successfully, but the goals are often somewhat open, like, “Work on becoming more confident,” so if I feel slightly more confident by the end of the summer then I check it off. Others are more easily measured, like, “Go to Fire Island” (to see what everyone talks about!) was a goal one summer. This year I didn’t make a formal list, which is kinda surprising considering I’m always making lists and writing things down that I want to remember. This year I just had the goals in my head, and the list was shorter than in previous years, I think. Maybe I was being lazy or maybe I just wanted to enjoy some free time this summer. However, one month into summer (and one month left) I’m doing fairly well on most of my goals so I thought I’d post an update.

Take a ballet class – I take jazz and tap during the year, but I always took ballet with them when I was in high school/college, but the studio I go to doesn’t have an adult ballet class. So I wanted to find a studio with adult ballet this summer. I’d say I was fairly successful in this goal because I am taking a ballet class. I don’t love it as much as I want to. Ballet used to be my favorite and I used to be one of the best in my class, but this is an “advanced” class and I should be able to keep up, yet I just don’t feel I’m quite at the same level as the other people. I can either be great at the technique or remember the steps to the combo she taught us super fast, but I can’t seem to do both!

Try online dating and be more serious about dating in general – Yes, I’m on eHarmony now and have been on a few dates. I also found a few dating apps that I can download if I want. And I’m trying harder on my dates too. So far things are going fairly well (I don’t wanna jinx it!), but I have lots of thoughts about dating and marriage and stuff in general so maybe I’ll write another post about that some time. Another post for another time is about work/fall fieldwork, etc.

Be more social in general – Well, dating is a social thing. And I’m social at work; not more so than during the year, but still. Plus, this past weekend I went to the city to meet one of my online friends from England. I’ve known her for at least 11 or 12 years, and we’ve kept in touch through different social network type things as times changed, but we’ve never met. I spoke to her on the phone once when I was in London and met a mutual friend of ours, but she couldn’t come that day. She was in NY for a few days with one of her friends from Maryland so I spent the day with them, and I wasn’t sure about it at first but I actually had a really good time and felt pretty comfortable. I mean, I wasn’t outgoing or anything but I didn’t feel awkward so hopefully they felt the same way! We went to Madame Tussaud’s (which I’ve been to a few times, but not for a couple of years and they changed things and it was really cool), had lunch, and then walked around Central Park (they wanted to see the bridge from Uptown Girls and then we also saw the fountain from Enchanted/the one the Friends fountain was modeled after) and took forever trying to find our way out! And I’ve actually e-mailed people a few times this summer and I’ve been commenting more on tumblrs and LJs and tweets and stuff.

Decide on a future career – Okay, this one I’m no closer to figuring out what I want (teacher, social worker, entertainment journalist, or something else entirely). But I did apply for a dream job and a dream internship. I doubt I’ll get either one, but it can’t hurt to try! And either way I’m gonna look more into that career path (which goes along with that other post about school/fieldwork/whatever, but I don’t wanna think about it right now so I’m not writing about it! haha).

Write more – Everything and anything. Blog posts, articles, stories, etc. This one I’ve definitely been slacking on. I formulate blog posts in my head all the time (when I’m driving, as I’m falling asleep, while I’m in the pool), and yet as soon as I get to the computer I’m like, “Eh, maybe I’ll type it later,” and then I don’t do it and then I forget what I was even going to write about or I try to write about it but it doesn’t sound nearly as good as it originally did when I had it “written” in my head. So, this goal is still “in progress!” As are all the others, really, but maybe they’re slightly further ahead than this one. 

This is cross-posted from tumblr, but it’s a start at updating here again! I got a new blog theme and redid the “blogs I like” page. And I just found a 31-day blog challenge so I may try that soon! 

In which we talk about Private Practice

Season 1Season 6

I remember exactly where I was when I first learned that there would possibly be a Grey’s Anatomy spinoff (in the computer lab at college, eating M&M cookies in case anyone was wondering!). I think I read about it on the E! website or something, and I quickly logged on to the Grey’s Anatomy board I frequented at the time (I think it was called The Incision?). I wasn’t thrilled about the idea because I had just started liking Addison and didn’t want her to leave the show I loved for a new show that I wasn’t sure I would even like. Still, I figured I would watch the “backdoor pilot” and see what I thought. Immediately I liked it. I liked the history Addison had with Naomi and Sam. I liked the idea of her leaving for “sunnier climbs” and following her dreams of having a baby. I liked Dell. I liked the other characters we were introduced to. I liked Tilly, the voice in the elevator. I liked the mix of drama and comedy that they had woven into the show. I liked getting to see a new, softer side of Addison that we hadn’t seen much of before and learning more about her. By the end of the episode, I was hoping it would get picked up for the next TV season. I was excited when I heard it was. I wasn’t excited that they had recast Naomi because the original actress was on Summerland (which was such a cute show!) and I didn’t know the new actress; I don’t think I ever really liked Naomi’s character after that (nothing against Audra though; I probably wouldn’t have been a big fan of Naomi no matter who played her). I liked reading the rumors of what would happen, what names they were changing (the practice’s name, Pete’s last name) and what the theme song would be (it really doesn’t have one, but Paul McCartney’s “Ever Present Past” was rumored to be a choice at the time and it’s a good song!). Unfortunately, the first season was short due to the writers’ strike that year. Still, I really enjoyed the 9 episodes we had been shown. The cases were controversial and emotional. The characters were quirky, damaged, and complex. The episode titles all started with “In which…” which I thought was cool because it reminded me of the way the Friends episodes start with “The One With…”

Throughout the 6 seasons, plenty of things changed. Sam and Naomi got divorced. Their daughter grew up and had a baby of her own. She went to college and Naomi moved away. Sam wrote a book, dated Addison, and is now dating a nurse from the hospital. Addison was with Pete, Kevin, Sam, Jake, and possibly others in between. We met Addison’s brother (who slept with half of her friends!) and learned more about her family. She eventually adopted baby Henry, and possibly abandoned her cat (and what about Sam’s dog? Do all the pets on this show disappear?). Cooper got over his crush on Violet and got together with Charlotte, learned he had a son, got married. Charlotte joined the practice and became a sexologist along with her job at the hospital, got raped, got married, got pregnant with triplets. Dell got over his crush on Naomi, saved her daughter’s life, and died. Pete went from practicing alternative medicine to something else (which I can’t remember right now, and Google isn’t helping me! Sports medicine/rehab/nutrition-ish?), married Violet, and had a heart attack and died. Violet had her baby cut out of her stomach, suffered from PTSD/anxiety after that, faced her attacker, wrote a book, got married, lost her husband. We met Sheldon somewhere in the early-ish seasons and he kinda dated Charlotte and Violet and maybe someone else (see, if this was a professional blog I would’ve done my research, but instead I’m just listing things off the top of my head!), and recently was diagnosed with prostate cancer and met his new girlfriend at treatment. We also met Amelia during one of the early/middle seasons. She went from being Derek’s little sister back to being a drug addict and got pregnant from her boyfriend who died of an overdose, had a baby who was born with no brain and donated his organs, and now has a new boyfriend and is clean/sober. Obviously these are just a few snippets of things that have happened to them over the years!

This was my favorite show for many years, although I’ll admit this season hasn’t been as good as some of the others. And while lots of things changed over the years something kept me coming back. I think it was the characters and the way they were developed. They were realistic and relatable. Some very true-to-life things happened on the show, as well as some ridiculous things (I’m sure some people have had their babies cut out of them by crazy people, but really?!). I also loved the actors and actresses tweeting each other; it seemed like they had fun on set. I was disappointed when I found out it was ending, but not surprised. I didn’t really even give it much thought until the other day when I was browsing a tumblr that had posted pictures from the pilot and I started feeling nostalgic. So, this post doesn’t offer anything exciting, but it’s my small way of acknowledging the end of this show. I’m glad they’ll all get their happily ever afters this week.


Now, Shonda, let’s get started on a new spinoff series (working title: “The Shepherds”) where we’ll see Derek, Amelia, Lizzie, Kathleen, and Nancy in their lives as doctors and siblings. Please?!  

Opinion Time

So, each one of those posts was multiple tumblr posts (the title of each tumblr post was the italicized part). If I posted each of them as a separate post, like funny conversation snippets or random short stories from when I was younger, etc. would you like that? (I mean, if I had posted them separately and not dumped a whole bunch of long posts here at once!) Or did you prefer having only well thought out blog posts on a specific topic, like the summer nail polish one from last year?

October 2012

Halloween Costumes: 

I’ve been looking for a Halloween costume that looks cute, but I can also wear to work. I’m a teacher so it has to be appropriate, aka forget all those super sexy costumes (not that I would’ve picked one of those anyway, but maybe I would’ve gone for something slightly less conservative). I used to hate Halloween, but now I like it. And I love dressing up. I bought a cute bumble bee costume a few years ago, but then I wore that for like 2-3 years so I wanted something different. My first thought was to use one of my old dance recital costumes, meaning my choices would be things like ballerina, race car driver, flapper, sugar plum fairy, etc. I decided that I didn’t want to ruin one of those costumes and at work you never know who is going to be eating what food and suddenly feel the need to grab your leg or something and voila, there’s a stain! So I was thinking that since I’ve done the bumble bee, maybe I’ll do a ladybug because I like ladybugs! But all the ladybug costumes were fairly sexy. Have you ever seen a sexy ladybug?! I haven’t so they should make a non-sexy costume! Then I thought I might be Tinkerbell. The unofficial ones were mostly too sexy-ish. The official Disney one is cute, but more expensive than I wanted and also the sizes are kinda weird. Like, has Disney never heard of petite? It comes in medium and large. Looking at the measurements, medium might not be huge, just slightly big, but then I’d have to get a green shirt to go underneath it and it wouldn’t look that good so I gave up on that. Then I thought about Minnie Mouse because a few of my students love Mickey and Minnie (and I was trying to do something they’d recognize). However, that was also expensive and mostly sold out so I gave up on that one. Now I’m thinking a witch. we have witch hats in the attic and I want a witch’s dress that has a poofy skirt and has purple in it. Also is less than $30. Not specific at all, right?! haha. Not surprisingly, I haven’t found one that has met that criteria! Now I’m thinking that maybe I’ll be a black cat and just wear a black shirt and pants and get ears and a tail. But then I’d wanna draw whiskers on my face and the kids aren’t allowed to have face paint so if I do then that wouldn’t really be fair. Maybe I’ll just wear the bee costume after all. I’m gonna go to the mall and look around on Saturday so we’ll see if I find something there that I can piece together! 

I started thinking about what I would’ve dressed up as if Halloween were on a weekend (although, I might not have dressed up at all then because I don’t have a party or anything to go to) and, inspired by the “TV and Movie Themed Costumes” section I saw on websites (although they didn’t have anything I loved aside from the beautiful Disney princess costumes that are way too much money!), I probably would have been Maura Isles! No one would have understood the costume, but it would be cute and easy! I could wear a nice top with my pencil skirt and put a lab coat over it (we have one from when my mom was a mad scientist and when I was Meredith Grey!). Maybe I could have even put my hair in that fancy ponytail again too! Too bad no one at work would understand it because so far that seems like the easiest costume! 

Hurricane Sandy:

I have off of work today due to the hurricane (and probably tomorrow). Luckily, Long Island isn’t in the direct path when they show the projection of the storm on TV, but still it’s supposed to be pretty bad. We’ve had strong winds and they’re getting stronger. We haven’t had all that much rain yet. I really don’t even mind this storm as long as we don’t lose power, but since it’s likely that we will then that sucks. They think it’ll take 7-10 days to come back. And of course I’m worried about all types of shallow things rather than safety (only because I’m pretty sure that I’m safe; otherwise I’d be worried about safety too!). 

In case of power loss, I have a lantern thing nearby (um…where is it? oh, found it in the hallway! Not quite as nearby as I thought, but still close enough!). I also brought an extra blanket into my room because if there’s no power then there’s no heat! We have extra food and water and all that stuff too. And I have a book to read, a charged iPad and phone, work to do, studying to do, and closets to switch to fall/winter clothes. 

My silly fears are more along the lines of: 

What about my primetime TV shows? Even if we do have power, the TV stations have news like 24/7 right now. Okay, I’ll watch On Demand or on my iPad when power is back. But how will I catch up in one weekend? What if power isn’t even back by next weekend? How long will it take to come back? 

Alright, I’ll catch up on the shows, I can breathe again. But what about GMA?! If I can’t watch GMA, how will I know what’s going on in the world and/or with the storm?! Yes, I have a battery-powered radio, but I need to see and hear this stuff from Josh, Lara, and Sam! 

What about my midterm on Thursday? I’ve barely started studying so I’m panicked enough about it, but what if the LIRR and subways aren’t running yet? How will I even get there? I can’t miss a midterm! 

(Crap, we just had a second power surge! Not liking this.)

How about work? When do we go back? Will I have enough lessons planned and the materials ready? 

What about the kids’ Halloween celebration?! 

How can I write my paper for school if I can’t get on the Internet? I know I have time before it’s due, but I’ve been overwhelmed and now this hurricane will back things up and make me even more overwhelmed. 

What am I going to eat that actually tastes good? 

I think the fact that most of the country is just going on with life because things are fine there is what kinda bothers me. I wish I was in LA or something! I do feel more comfortable having the TV on and seeing other parts of NY, NJ, CT, etc. But once the power is gone then that option is gone too! 

I was enjoying the storm yesterday when I was at the beach taking pictures!  I don’t even know what I was freaking out about earlier. Mostly the “unknown,” I think. I don’t like uncertainty! Anyway, I guess I’ll go do something productive with my time rather than sounding crazy on tumblr! 

Hurricane Sandy Part 2:

I updated my LJ about the aftermath, but since I posted about the hurricane here before it happened I guess I should post here about the aftermath too. I mean, I’m pretty much gonna copy and paste excerpts from LJ, but it’s better than nothing! I’m torn between thinking about the hurricane non-stop watching coverage and not wanting to think about it at all. We got extremely lucky, and for that I’m very happy, but I think part of me feels guilty that so many other people so close are suffering. We’re donating clothes and stuff, and allowing friends who have no power to come over and get warm/eat/shower/sleep/whatever. Part of me just wants life to go on normally and forget this ever happened and part of me feels that we need to give it some time first. I don’t know. Anyway, excerpt time!

I posted here a few hours before we lost power and my main concerns seemed to be missing my TV shows, not being able to do schoolwork without the Internet, and possibly being bored. Obviously I wasn’t quite prepared for this storm! I mean, it wasn’t awful to us and I was still concerned about missing TV shows, but I just didn’t realize how serious and horrible it was going to be for so many people. I can’t even describe what I feel looking at the pictures of all the extensive damage. 

Monday afternoon/evening I was sitting at my desk (right where I’m sitting now, actually!) and as the winds got stronger I could almost feel my chair shake. I have a hutch on my wall above my desk and I could see it shake. Only slightly though, so I wasn’t too worried about it falling off the wall or anything! Then I heard my sister scream and I heard a thump so I ran to see what was going on. A huge branch from one of the trees in the front of our house flew over the house, broke the gutter in the back, and landed in the pool. My dad went to get it off the pool cover. A few minutes later my mom and I were looking out the window and another huge branch came flying into our yard; I didn’t see it, but she did. Soon after that we lost power. Having no power is obviously harder when it’s dark out! We have lanterns though (battery-powered, not candle-operated) so we used those and spent most of the night listening to ABC on the radio, which was comforting because I had been watching ABC most of the day so it was the same voices and stuff so somehow that made me feel better. And it kept us in the loop. We kept seeing flashes in the sky, but the radio was saying it wasn’t lightning; it was either transmitters (transmissions? transistors? What are those things called that were in lower Manhattan?) blowing up or houses exploding (because according to my sister’s friend 14 houses in our town exploded; not sure how true or untrue that is). During the night I threw an extra blanket on my bed because no power means no heat and we’re not used to losing power for extended periods of time in October! It has been fairly warm lately, aside from the past day or two so that was good.

I slept and then the next morning I was frustrated because ESPN took over their radio station again so we didn’t have ABC’s coverage (although we found a more local station that was keeping us updated) and I couldn’t get anything on my phone to work. Wi-fi obviously wouldn’t work and 3G was mostly down because apparently ¼ of the cell towers were down. I even had trouble getting/sending texts; I could only get a text if I was connected to a phone call, but phone calls wouldn’t always connect. I ended up calling my voicemail a lot just to get my Twitter texts! Our neighbor had a generator so we ran an extension cord to keep our refrigerator working. We went for a drive to see some of the damage around and we also got gas in a tank for his generator. The power company had warned us that we could be out for 7-10 days. After that we cleaned up the yard. Mostly I raked a lot of leaves and carried a bunch of branches. My dad and my neighbor did the huge branches and the sawing and stuff. We left the small twigs and leaves on the lawn because the lawn guy will take care of those, but even without that we had about 7 bags, 3 garbage pails, and then a lot of branches that were just too big so they’re lying in front of the house by the street. We walked around our block to see what was happening nearby and we saw more trees and poles down. At night I was reading in bed when the power came back on! Actually, it came on for like a minute and then went off again and came back for good a few minutes later. I ended up watching that day’s GMA on my laptop while watching 20/20 on TV so I’m not sure how much I saw of either! haha. But this was the first time I was able to see the scenes they had been describing on the radio. Like Long Beach, which I really like, was hit very hard. And half of the Atlantic City boardwalk is destroyed. Breezy Point is the town next to where my mom spent her summers as a child and there was a huge fire there that took out so many houses. There were some fires on Long Island that firefighters couldn’t get to because of how deep the flood water was and people who should have evacuated but didn’t and needed rescuing. My sister’s boyfriend is a volunteer firefighter and his neighborhood was hit very hard too so he was actually working with the National Guard to rescue people and everything. I’m used to seeing horrible things happen on TV, but this one hit so close to home. Seeing pictures of Manhattan subways flooded, like the South Ferry 1 station I was like, “I take that subway every week! Not as far as South Ferry, but still it’s the same subway line and this is crazy!” And I’ve been to Atlantic City and Long Beach and there were pictures from towns only 15 minutes away. Even the other part of my town was hit really badly because they’re near the water. And when I see pictures of devastating things I think, “That’s the same storm we had. If we were slightly further south we could have lost everything, but instead we’re here in our house safe and warm.” So, I feel really lucky. And even with getting our power back after 28 hours, that was lucky too because 90% of Long Island lost their power and a lot of people I know still didn’t have it back earlier today. Okay, enough rambling. Overall, mostly the storm was a lot of really strong wind and a little bit of rain. I slept through half of it probably!

A lot of the traffic lights aren’t working so driving is a bit crazy because people are just driving wherever they want and you have to be really careful because there are a lot of accidents happening. The night after the storm we went to get pizza in a shopping center that’s always crowded and on that night there were only about 6 cars in the lot. The whole shopping center was dark aside from the pizza place. It was so weird to see! 

A New Month:
You know how everything month there’s one of those picture/quotes that says something like (well, I’ll use the one I just saw) “November, please be awesome,” or “August, please be good to me?” Well, I usually reblog them and I decided that I’m not doing that anymore! At least not for a while. I reblogged it in August and then my grandpa died. I reblogged it in September and our neighbor/family friend died. You’d think that would be enough to realize that clearly, reblogging this image was not helping anything! Not that I’m saying it made things worse, but asking for the month to be great just wasn’t quite working. Apparently that wasn’t enough because I reblogged it again in October! And then we had a giant hurricane. I was just about to hit “reblog” on the November one when I stopped myself and thought, “Nope, not gonna do that this month!” Let’s just see how the month goes on its own! 

September 2012

Another Good Conversation: 

  • Dad (yelling from the computer room): Caitlin, did you update your Apple ID yesterday?
  • Caitlin: My Apple ID? No. Why?
  • Dad: I got an e-mail that said you did.
  • Me: No, dad, you updated your Apple ID.
  • Dad: I have an Apple ID?!
  • Me: Yes. Remember last night when we updated your iTunes?
  • Dad: Yeah, and?
  • Me: So that’s what it’s saying.
  • Dad: But what does that have to do with Apple?
  • Me: iTunes is an Apple thing.
  • Dad: iTunes is owned by Apple?!


Al Roker for President?

If you know me pretty well, then you know politics totally aren’t my thing. I don’t know why. I’ll watch segments on GMA about the violence in Syria or Libya and be completely interested, but as soon as they go to the “and here’s what each of the candidates are saying/doing about this situation” I’m like, “Okay, time to fast forward!” I don’t want it to sound like I don’t care about the country or that I’m completely oblivious to things; I do pay just enough attention to know who I want to vote for and stuff like that. I don’t want to say I’m totally clueless about politics; I’m just disinterested, I guess.

Anyway, the other day I was thinking about something that happened when I was young and apparently I was just as clueless about politics back then! In second grade we learned that Bill Clinton was the president and Al Gore was the vice president (I think this may have been just after the election). The teacher told us that we should go home and tell our parents at dinner who the president and vice president are and they’ll be impressed with us. So, I remember talking about my day at school and remembering what she told us. Before I said it I wanted to make sure I remembered the information so I thought about it. “Okay, Bill Clinton is the president and who’s the vice president again? It was Al something. Hm…Al, Al, Al What? Al Roker? That sounds like a name I’ve heard before. That must’ve been what she said!” Then I excitedly announced to my parents that I knew who the president and vice president were. They asked me who and I was like, “Bill Clinton is the president and the vice president is Al Roker!” My parents tried not to laugh. My mom said, “Maybe Al Roker wishes he were the vice president!” I didn’t like to be wrong, so I was insistent that this was what the teacher told me. Then my dad said the vice president was Al Gore and I was kinda like, “Oh, yeah, maybe that’s what she said. I’m not sure.” I guess, in my mind, morning TV shows have always been more important than politics! 

Romcoms v. Real Life Part 2:
I travel to Manhattan one afternoon a week to take classes. I usually get dinner in Penn Station on my way home because by then it’s around 8pm and I’m hungry. I’ve been going to Chickpea a lot recently because they have good “make your own” salads and pretty good prices and stuff. This week the cashier (male, probably around my age but not my type) said, “Do you work around here?” I thought he was trying to be friendly so I said, “No. I go to school, um..” and he cut me off with a shrug and “No, just if you work around here you get a discount.” Oh okay, thanks anyway. The guy the week before that was friendlier, letting me know that my salad came with a free water (after I had already paid for my Dr. Pepper, but whatever it was still nice of him!). If life were a romcom, one or both of them would have asked me for my number or at least tried to flirt or something! 

August 2012

Wait, TV is fictional?!
I don’t know how many people reading this watch Rizzoli & Isles, but as I was re-watching the most recent episode last night I felt the need to comment about this somewhere so I decided tumblr was the place. Also, if you haven’t seen this week’s (well, technically last week’s? The July 10th one!) episode then this contains spoilers. I know Maura’s mother, Hope, was shocked to learn that Maura is her daughter and based on that reaction we’re led to believe that she never knew about this before. However, I just don’t see how that’s possible! Maura found her. Kaelyn (it’s driving me nuts that I can’t find the “official” spelling of the character’s name yet, so I’m going with this spelling for now!) found out about Maura. How is it possible that Hope had no inkling that Maura was her daughter? Sometimes, by the way she acted, you might think she knew. She said a few times that they had such a connection and she confided in her very soon after meeting her about her “dead baby.” I know she said it’s easier to confide in strangers, and I pretty much agree with that, but that quickly? I think it’d take a little more time. She came to see Maura after the dinner to apologize for Kaelyn’s behavior, and then she came back the next day just to say that it seemed like she was losing her daughter. Isn’t that somewhat awkward to show up at someone’s office to chat about something like that? She could have called or stopped by in the evening. Also, she’s super smart, like Maura, did she not notice the zygomatic arch and whatever other facial features that they share are similar? She didn’t think even for a second that Maura shared facial features with Paddy Doyle either? She could probably detect her heritage based on how she looks also. Didn’t she think it was quite coincidental that her baby who “died at birth” was named Maura and this woman in front of her, who was the exact same age as her baby (I’m sure she could estimate Maura’s age based on her medical knowledge) and born in Boston was also named Maura? It’s not the most common name. And even if she had no clue about any of this, how long ago did she move to Boston that she didn’t see/hear anything about Paddy Doyle and the warehouse shooting? I mean, Kaelyn pulled up the article about Maura on her iPad. I’m sure Hope would have seen the newspaper or an Internet article or something if they had been living there at the time. But let’s say they’re very new to the city and weren’t there at that time. Still, when Maura called her for a consult, she didn’t think to Google her to see who she was working with and what skills/knowledge that person had? I know she initially came for that consult “in a half hour” so she might not have had time, but even after they met she wasn’t curious to Google Maura’s name and see what schools she attended or anything like that? Plus, Maura was one of the few people she told that Kaelyn needed a kidney and then all of a sudden an anonymous donor turned up? She didn’t consider that possibly it was someone they knew? I know it’s a TV show and not always 100% realistic, but still Hope had all of this info right in front of her and for someone so smart I’m surprised she didn’t put any of the pieces together. I’m ttotally not complaining or anything; I love the show. But I was just curious if anyone else was thinking that Hope possibly should have figured this out on her own before she was blindsided by the news.

Romcoms v. Real Life:
Today I was at Chipotle getting lunch. When I reached for a lid to put on my soda cup, the man next to me was also reaching for a lid and instead of getting the lid we kinda brushed each other’s hands. Then we both apologized and he let me take a lid first and I thanked him. If this were a romantic comedy, that would have been our meet cute. Since this is real life, we both got our lids and continued in our opposite directions. (He wasn’t my type anyway).

Funny Conversations with my Family about Music: 

  • Dad: Can you help me put that Ludacris song on my iPod?
  • Me: Ludacris?! What Ludacris song?
  • Dad: That one about his father.
  • Me: Ludacris sings a song about his father?
  • Mom: The song we heard in the car the other day?
  • Dad: Yes!
  • Mom: That’s Luther Vandross!
  • Dad: Oh, I don’t know. I just saw “Lu” and thought Ludacris.
  • Me: No, he sings that “Yeah” song with Usher.
  • Dad: He’s a real person?!
  • Me: Why would you have been asking to download his song if you didn’t know he was a real person!
  • ———————————————–
  • -The Whistle Song was on the radio.-
  • Caitlin’s friend: This song is about blowjobs.
  • Me: Really? I didn’t know that!
  • Friend: Yeah, listen to that words.
  • Caitlin: I thought it was just about whistles!
  • Friend: Who even uses whistles anymore?
  • Caitlin: Gym teachers?
  • Me: So, you thought he wrote a song about gym teachers?!
  • ———————————————–
  • Mom: Do you know who’s on the GMA concert tomorrow?
  • Me: Ne-yo. He was on Z100 this morning and they were talking about it.
  • Mom: Ne-yo? Who’s that? Is he like Nemo?
  • Me: Um…not quite!

July 2012

The Great Morning Show Debate

  • My mom and I were talking about the Today Show v. Good Morning America and somehow ended up in this conversation:
  • Me: Sam Champion is pretty cute too, for an older guy.
  • Mom: Sam Champion is so gay.
  • Me: Sam Champion’s gay?!
  • Mom: Yeah. You didn’t know that? He wears pink shirts and blue ties, and tells his mother that he’ll be home in time for lunch!
  • Me: I just thought he was fashionable and funny.
  • Um…is this partly why I’m still single?! haha.
  • I actually just Googled “Is Sam Champion gay?” and it turns out that it’s never been confirmed that he is. I mean, I could see it being true. He just hasn’t admitted it yet. Apparently a few years ago Andy Cohen wrote a blog post about being in the Hamptons with Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos and going to a store “owned by Sam Champion’s boyfriend,” so I guess I would take that as a “yes, he’s gay.” Not that it really matters either way!

Catching Up

Clearly in my last post when I said I was back, I meant, “But only for a day and then I’ll disappear for 9 more months!” For a while I wasn’t even blogging on tumblr really, but looking back I found a few things there so I’ll post them here and group them by month, I guess. I’m not gonna post the pictures and gifs and stuff because they probably aren’t as important and also I’m no exactly sure how to do it without saving all of them to my computer! I would like to get back to blogging more often, but between work and school I haven’t found the time. The only reason I’m here today is because this is my 10th day with no plans due to Hurricane Sandy. So far I’m going back to work on Wednesday and school on Thursday; we’ll see! 

February 2012:

Comparing Sports to Reality TV:
The other night I came home and my dad had a football game on. I was putting some stuff away and I guess I was listening to some of what was being said on the TV. They said that this was “post-season” football and I asked my dad how that could be. I was like, “Isn’t this the playoffs?” He said yes. I said, “And the Super Bowl didn’t happen yet, so the season can’t be over.” He told me that playoffs are considered post-season because not all the teams are still playing. My reply? “Well, that’s stupid. When American Idol is down to six contestants, not all the contestants are still singing, but it doesn’t mean the season’s over!” Just another reason why reality TV is better than sports! 😉

Overheard in my House:

  • Me: Crap! Friggin’ thing! Ahhh!
  • Caitlin, via text, from her bedroom: I’m trying to sleep you freak.
  • Me: Sorry, I was playing Temple Run!
  • Caitlin: Those damn flying monkeys.
  • Me: I know, right?!

I’m ba-ack!

I had decided to move this blog over to tumblr in hopes that it’d somehow encourage me to post more because I think of a “blog” as being a more serious thing, where I have to post entries that are lengthy and actually good, whereas on tumblr I can post a random conversation and that’s an acceptable post. It’s also easier to post pictures and stuff there. However, the move didn’t seem to motiavte me to update more often at all! So, I decided to come back to WordPress. As far as motivation, I’m still working on that (well, I have motivation but I lack follow-through!). I’ll still use my tumblr for random short posts that are unimportant (although, maybe I could take the blog thing less seriously and post silly things here sometimes too) and I’ll probably post click-through links on there to posts that I write here. I should start posting here again pretty soon. I have some posts written that just need editing, some others that aren’t written but I have ideas for, and I think I’ll probably end up doing some spur-of-the-moment posts if the ideas come at a time when I’m near my computer! Right now I need to re-do some things on here and get used to the new options/placements of things on my dashboard!

Question: Where have I been?

Answer: Working and stuff, I guess! I have a lot of ideas for posts I want to write, but I just have to actually sit down and write them.

Also, I’ve been blogging more on tumblr than here because more people have tumblr and are more likely to read it, I guess. I’ve been posting shorter posts there, but I’ll probably post some that are more like the past few posts I’ve written here. And I may cross-post the entries from there to here, or from here to there or something. I haven’t decided yet if I’m giving up on this blog and moving over there, or if I’m gonna keep this blog and just link to it on tumblr. Right now I’m giving blogging on tumblr a chance and I’ll see how it goes. So, click here to read the past few posts on my tumblr. And let me know if you like reading it better there or if you’d prefer to read it here. I’ll eventually make a decision, but right now I’m mostly blogging over there. I really like Word Press though, so I may end up back here. I don’t know. I think most people who read this are already following me on tumblr, but I wanted to let you all know anyway!